The Urocuff Test

General Information

Urocuff Testing is a process that allows your doctor to evaluate how your bladder and bladder outlet is working. Once your doctor is informed about the function of these areas, they can better understand your specific bladder health and direct you to the treatment plan that will be best for you.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is when the prostate and surrounding tissue expands. This is not always an indicator of prostate cancer and is a common male aging issue. However, for patients with BPH maintaining a healthy, properly functioning bladder is key to long-term health and well-being.

What is The UroCuff Test?

The UroCuff is a non-invasive diagnostic test for male urinary disorders or Low Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS). This simple test allows your urologist to collect important data about your bladder function while you urinate.

How Does The UroCuff Test Work?

In this simple test, the UroCuff measures the amount of pressure generated by your bladder, your urine flow rate, and the amount of urine you void. In this procedure, a small cuff is fitted onto the penis. Then the patient begins to void urine into a flow meter. As they urinate, the cuff inflates until the flow is reduced or interrupted. Then the cuff rapidly deflates, allowing flow to resume, and the cycle repeats until the bladder is empty. Bladder function is determined from the interruption pressure versus the flow rate. The UroCuff report summarizes the results on a modified nomogram.

How Do You Know If You Need The UroCuff Test?

If you are experiencing Bladder Blockage Obstruction or Low Bladder Contractility, you might be experiencing symptoms such as:

  • Frequency
  • Urgency
  • Painful Urination
  • Nocturia (needing to urinate at night)
  • Poor Stream
  • Hesitancy (when there is a delay between trying to urinate and urinating)
  • Incomplete voiding
  • Overflow incontinence

The Urocuff Test

A healthy bladder that’s appropriately functioning can push urine out of the body. Unfortunately, men with BPH often experience symptoms like urinating frequently or several times throughout the night or other symptoms such as hesitancy or poor stream. The UroCuff can help your doctor best understand your symptoms and identify key issues related to your bladder health. The professionals at North Georgia Urology Center want you to feel comfortable, and the best predictor of symptom relief is a healthy functioning bladder.

Make An Appointment With Us

At North Georgia Urology Center, our medical staff has years of experience providing patients with quality care. Contact the North Georgia Urology Center today to learn more about the Urocuff procedure or to schedule a consultation with one of our doctors. We’ll be happy to answer any questions and put your mind at ease before treatment.

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